Serena Brown
Aderis DeRosa Scholarship,
Kristin Leffel/WRA River Valley
Chapter Scholarship and Apitz/Quinnies Scholarship
Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management at University of Wisconsin-Stout
Reuben Buford
Special Services Award Scholarship
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Culinary Arts Program
Clare Busalacchi
Ron & Lillian Heuser Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Nicolet Area
Technical College
Mariah Carlson
WRA South Central
Chapter Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Madison College
Carly Cerniglia
WRA Big Four Chapter Scholarship
Culinary Arts and Hotel & Restaurant Management at Fox Valley
Technical College
Chelsea Grabner
Alfred Peck Scholarship
Culinary Arts and Hotel & Restaurant Management at Fox Valley
Technical College
Lisa Hunter
WRA Madison Chapter Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Madison College
Jake Igel
Miller Brewing Scholarship
Hotel & Restaurant Management at
Fox Valley Technical College
Morgan Jessee
WRA Green Bay Chapter Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Le Cordon Bleu
Lisa Krueger
WRA Milwaukee Chapter Scholarship and Herman Leis Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Madison College
Kate Lulloff
Bernard & Maureen
Schreiner Scholarship
Culinary Arts and Hotel & Restaurant Management at Fox Valley
Technical College
Josh Nowak
Culver Family Scholarship, Ryan von Rutenberg Scholarship and William & Otto Brakebush Scholarship
Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management at University of Wisconsin-Stout
Ashlee Page
Al Gagliano Scholarship
Culinary Management at Western Wisconsin Technical College
Andrew Papke
Adolf Brettschneider Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Blackhawk
Technical College
Thayne Pike
WRA Eastern Shore Chapter
Scholarship and WRA West
Wisconsin Chapter Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Blackhawk
Technical College
Michelle Platten
Chef Bill Dougherty Scholarship and Chef Jeff Igel Family Scholarship
Culinary Arts & Baking Certificate at Fox Valley Technical College
Caitlin Roney
Special Services Award Scholarship
Western Wisconsin Technical College
Culinary Management Program |
Elissa Skaggs
Ernst Florsheim-Chaine des
Rotisseurs Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Nicolet Area
Technical College
Margaret Smith
Magnificent Seven Chefs Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Nicolet Area
Technical College
Carly Stern
ACF Chefs of Milwaukee Scholarship and Herbert & Nada Mahler Scholarship
Hotel & Restaurant Management at Waukesha County Technical College
Nicole TenHaken
American Institute of Wine & Food Scholarship and Manufacturer's Agent for the Food Service Industry Scholarship
Hospitality Management at University of Wisconsin-Stout
Alexandra Weber
Dick Kroening Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Nicolet Area
Technical College
Alicia Werhand
Society Insurance Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Fox Valley
Technical College
Morgan Weirich
Aaron & Katie Guenther Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
Adam Wielondek
Heinz & Lisette Fischer Scholarship and Fred Boelter Scholarship
Culinary Arts at Gateway Technical College